

dates fruit

  Dates fruit in Malaysia is considered to be a local specialty, which is only cultivated locally. But they are also occasionally imported when you’re lucky enough to reside in a humid, tropical area where this fruit blooms. The fruit itself is quite a resilient plant, but will usually be damaged when picked often. The […]


  When it comes to a fruit tree, nothing beats the best of the best when it comes to the quality and freshness of the fruits from Malaysia. Whether you are looking for hard or soft rinds, there are a variety of different trees that make great tasting dates. It is said that dates from […]


The popular fruit in Malaysia is known as the Malay date. It is a member of the melon family that includes lemons, limes and oranges. Although these fruits may look similar to other fruits, they are slightly different due to their size, shape and the way they are prepared. For example, unlike other fruits, the […]




Where to Find Wholesale Dates


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  Do you want to know about the best quality dates suppliers? It’s a fact that there are many dates suppliers but only few can meet our requirements. You must be well aware of the fact that not all the sellers can assure the quality of the product. There are many places from where we […]


  Quality Dates Suppliers. Malaysia is a country that’s known for its oranges and mallets, so it’s not surprising that you would want to buy some quality products from this country. Quality dates fruit wholesale suppliers will provide you with all sorts of different varieties, including some that aren’t even grown in the country. The […]


  When you choose to search for the best dates wholesalers for your business, it is best to know a few tips and guidelines that can help you in finding the best date merchant. There are many date retailers available online today. Some are local directories where the retailers list their physical address and contact […]




How To Choose A Good Date Supplier


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  If you are new to online dating then you’ll be glad to know that you can find a large variety of different dates on the internet. This includes fruit and even chocolate! When you go online to search for your next date there are several different types of fruit to choose from. The best […]


Dates fruit from Malaysia is quite simply considered a local specialty fruit, which can only be grown within its range. But even so, they do occasionally come in shipments from other parts of Asia. The fruit itself, although a tough, hardy vine, is also quite fragile. It will break down quite easily when picked, but […]


Most of the Indian suppliers sell the finest dates available. They also buy other types of dates, including jalebis, rums, soaks, and pakoras. These dates are used not only for making dates, but they are also used to make a variety of preserves and candies, such as jellies, cakes, cookies, pastries and pies. A number […]


If you wish to have delicious date variety in your menu, then it is a good idea to have dates in your fridge. They are one of nature’s perfect fruit and they offer umpteen varieties to enjoy in your menu. Though there are numerous ways of preparing delicious dates, but if you are not having […]